Florida could be feeling Gas Relief……No, at the pumps!

Corn Crop for Gas www.florida-politics.com
Corn Crop for Gas-www.florida-politics.com

Washington usually known for its Hot Air and Speed Bump Tactics to impede Legislation may have to take a Pit Stop or be Side-Lined all together as……“The Movement for Freedom at the pump just got a Full Tank of Gas” as State Representative Matt Gaetz R-Fort Walton Beach stated.

As we Embark on our Summer Adventures and Family Vacations, Floridians could be the Unanimous Winners of this        One-Two punch thrown by Governor Rick Scott and Congressman Trey Radel in Tandem Efforts to Ease the High Prices we have faced at the Service Stations and Markets. This issue of Heavyweight proportions targeted as a negative contributing factor has kept the Florida Economy cornered and on the ropes for a number of Fiscal Rounds.

As the ink dries on the freshly penned Repeal of the 5 year old Statute by the Governor late Friday, immediate Relief may be felt by the Taxpaying Constituents as the Trickle-Down Effect gets a jolt of Nitrous rather than Ethanol to keep the Momentum of a Successful Season from Stalling. The Regulation was blamed for not only driving the demand for corn up, but also causing an increase in its price and it’s by-products as well. With Anticipation Bubbling about more unblended fuels potentially hitting the Market, they could syphon the grip that it had enabling stations to choose whether to use the product without fear of reprimand. Hope continues to rise for a Positive Impact on small engine usage as well – this would include Boats. It may be one of the few times that Florida boaters have a smile at the pump when fueling up for a long weekend of Marine Pleasures.

As the saying goes….”Hit them in the Pocketbook”;  that  is Exactly what this Well-Intended Effort could Positively Result in. With many Florida Counties facing Budget Shortfalls, another Strong Initiative to Benefit the State is being Proposed by the Make it Happen, Washington Newcomer – Trey Radel. Representing the Florida Congressional 19th District his #gasandgroceries Initiative Support Three Main Points contained within the Legislation:

  1. Approval of the Keystone Pipeline
  2. Oil and Gas Agreement between the US & Mexico
  3. Capping Ethanol in Gasoline

Not only Boosting the State’s Tourism Market over the Summer  month’s ;  We would be able to Open our doors to Welcome our Neighbors from the Midwest hard hit by the recent devastating Tornadoes. Florida with its own History of Rebuilding after destructive Hurricanes can offer Support and a little piece of Paradise.

Maybe we can just  Enjoy the Simple Pleasures that Summertime usually offers;

Family Backyard Picnics…….Grilling Corn-on-Cob; instead of it providing a means for an Agenda of the few, but rather

Benefiting the Whole     – Rally Girl

For more information ck. out:



In Parting I have a few questions for the Bloggers:

Is it Economics vs. Renewable Resources?

Since Florida’s Top Agricultural Products are listed as Citrus and Tomatoes followed by Livestock…..Where does the Volume of this Corn Supply come from?

If  the vast percentage comes from the Midwest…..wouldn’t we be adversely affected in coming months as a direct result of the storms havoc?


And remember……..    Rally Girl Philosophy

– It’s Ok to have an Opinion

– Have Impact while you’re Here

– Be a Part of the Process

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